The following sample calculation takes into account the vehicle data used in VECTO, such as vehicle types, annual mileage, fuel consumption values and the additional weight of the self-steering axle. The example calculation is based on a 3-axle trailer with self-steering axle.
BPW self-steering axle (LL)
BPW Effect
Your savings
- Annual fuel savingsper vehicle965 l1736 €per vehicle fleet965 l1736 €
- Annual reduction in CO₂ emissions1l=2,64 kg CO2per vehicle2546 kgper vehicle fleet2546 kg
- Annual tyre savings over the service lifeper vehicle31031 €per vehicle fleet31031 €
- Savings per vehicleSavings per vehicle/year after deduction of annual maintenance and capital costs1508,00 €
- Amortization in years1,66