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trailer world issue Two 2011

How Melanie Fehrler, head of Human Resources, finds an acquires the right employees for BPW.

7LWOH 6WRU\ Issue Two 2011 “At our company, employer marketing is very important,” says Mel- anie Fehrler, head of Human Resources at BPW (see interview on page 10) and describes some long-term company activities that help retain and attract employees. According to Fehrler, however, it will be more important in the future to find the right employee, not necessarily the objectively best one. But attracting the right employees instead of the objectively best ones requires a new approach. University and college marketing and early analysis of potential students who are still deciding on a career are key here, as is increasing the proportion of women in executive and managerial positions and integrating the “older generation”. J]\ak[gn]jaf_l`]gd\]j_]f]jYlagf With initiatives such as “50+“, more and more companies in Ger- many are now trying to counteract the skills shortage as well as the imminent loss of knowledge, experience and seniority. The notion $W RXU FRPSDQ\ HPSOR\HU PDUNHWLQJ LV YHU\ LPSRUWDQWl x )RU 0HODQLH )HKUOHU LGHQWLW\ LPDJH DQG YDO XHV DUH HVVHQWLDO FULWHULD IRU %3:ØV VXFFHVV DV DQ HPSOR\HU EUDQG %XW ZKDW VWHSV GRHV WKH FRPSDQ\ WDNH WR DWWUDFW H[FHOOHQW HPSOR\HHV" WUDLOHU ZRUOG WDONV WR WKH KHDG RI +XPDQ 5H VRXUFHV ,OOXVWUDWLRQ&DUJRÕ*HWW\,PDJHVSKRWRVI¹QI'60HGLD7HDP
