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trailer world issue Two 2011

Issue Two 2011 7LWOH 6WRU\ At BPW, supporting and developing young talent and junior staff is a high priority. Due to our ongoing public relations work and close cooperations with schools and other organi- sations, BPW enjoys an excellent reputation for its training and continuing education op- portunities. A variety of activities such as events for students, job application training, Girls Day, internships and projects increases the degree of recognition and enhances our image as an attractive employer. Further- more, through its scholarship programme, established in 1991, BPW has been very for- tunate in being able to integrate well-quali- fied graduates into the company on a regu- lar basis for several years now. In addition, BPW has close partnerships with universi- ties and higher education institutions both locally here in the region and throughout Germany. Activities in this area range from ads, participation in university fairs, spe- cialised lectures and presentations and field trips up to joint implementation of projects, internships, academic theses and doctorate dissertations. The aim of all these activities is to attract and recruit sufficiently qualified and motivated young talent and junior staff to BPW. What role does social media play in human resources (HR) recruiting? HR recruitment via social media channels is still a relatively new topic. Certain target groups can be more precisely identified and addressed more directly via these media. This advantage should be utilised more frequently in the future. However, this type of approach should not replace personal contact, which in my view still has a decisive impact on suc- cess during the personnel selection process. As supplementary measures, we place ads on online platforms and actively look for suitable applicants via the social networks. How are you dealing with the spectre of the demographic shift? To successfully deal with the demographic shift, BPW not only relies on recruiting and grooming junior staff and young talent, as I already mentioned, but older applicants have excellent job opportunities at BPW as well. We value their experience, consider them for new roles and assign them to the right posi- tions according to their experience. The issue of the proportion of women in com- panies comes up again and again … … Right, women are being much talked about in connection with demographic de- velopments. In the future, they will play an increasingly more important role in terms of personnel development. BPW already offers women engineers excellent job opportunities and career development. In addition, we also focus on people from different cultures. They are employed in all departments, especially in those in which international experience is im- portant. Once the right employee has been found, the topic of personnel development comes into play. What does BPW do to promote and ad- vance talent? Continuous on-the-job training and further educationforemployees of all ages is “business as usual” for us. Promoting health in the work- place and ensuring a safe and healthy work en- vironment also play a significant role in per- sonnel development. In this area, BPW is the pioneer in the region with the company’s own “Aktiv-Treff” (“Active Club”) programme, in which colleagues can do something good for their health under the guidance and direction of a trainer. Regular health check-ups by our company doctor are also par for the course, as are the healthy, varied and nutritional meals offered at our own on-site restaurant. As the head of Human Resources at BPW, what do you think will be the biggest chal- lenges in the future? In general, it will become more and more essential to find the right employees (“right potentials”) versus the objectively best ones (“high potentials”). Rather than recruiting top graduates, it is more important to focus on candidates and “lateral hires” who are also a very good fit for the company and have the potential for development. In addi- tion, I think that developing the company’s own young talent and junior staff – interns, trainees and university graduates, for example – is and remains a crucial aspect of personnel management.(rp) H]jkgfYd<]lYadk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x7KHUH LV QR VXE VWLWXWH IRU SHUVRQDO FRQWDFWl 0HODQLH )HKUOHU +5 0DQDJHU DW %3:
