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trailer world issue Two 2011

Dr. Jörg Mosolf strives to attract new employees an retain existing ones using innovative concepts.

Issue Two 2011 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ Lhe scarcity of qualified, skilled employees is becoming a question of survival in more and more industry sectors. Ac- cording to Oldenburg University’s recent survey of about 670 companies in the German state of Lower Saxony, however, many businesses continue to underestimate the problem. For example, the ageing of employees is a big challenge for many companies. In mid-September, Jörg Bode, member of the FDP political party and Minister of Economics of the State of Lower Saxony, called on companies to better train older colleagues and improve their skills and professional qualifications. Wolfgang Müskens, an ed- ucational researcher at Oldenburg University, warned about the consequences of trivialising the impending, and in many places already manifest, shortage of well-educated and skilled workers. In 2007, 9.8 percent of the companies questioned in the survey rated the ageing of the staff as a challenge; this year, more than double the number of respondents, 21.9 percent, answered the same. Awareness of the issue is increasing, particularly in the construction industry and logistics sector. K`gjlY_]g^\jan]jkakl`]egklhj]kkaf_hjgZd]elg\Yq& This is also the case at Horst Mosolf GmbH & Co. KG, an inter- national logistics provider based in Kirchheim/Teck. “At present, the driver shortage is certainly the most noticeable problem K]d^%afalaYlan] akj]imaj]\ >gjeYfqdg_akla[k[gehYfa]k$l`]k`gjlY_]g^ kcadd]\$imYda^a]\ogjc]jkakYeYbgjhjgZd]e& L`]@gjklEgkgd^dg_akla[kk]jna[]k[gehYfqak lmjfaf_lgaffgnYlan][gf[]hlklgY[imaj]f]o ]ehdgq]]kYf\c]]hl`][mjj]flgf]kl`]j]^gj l`]dgf_`Ymd& H]jkgfYd<]lYadk'U -³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¹QI)2725$80%UHPHQ
