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trailer world issue Two 2011

5XEULN Issue Two 2011 9lEgkgd^$f]o]ehdgq]]k[Yf]ph][lYZjgY\dq\an]jk]Yf\nYja]\jYf_]g^\mla]k& 3KRWRV0RVROI*URXS at our company, but the fact that logistics companies and logistics professions are gen- erally not well-known or popular among the target group aggravates the problem of not having enough skilled and qualified work- ers,” explains Dr. Jörg Mosolf, Managing Partner and CEO of Mosolf. “Even greater efforts have to be made to make people more aware of the attractiveness of our industry.” Because unfortunately, young people still know very little about logistics and have ab- solutely no idea of the wide range of jobs and options that the sector offers.” His own company has been affected by re- cruiting difficulties as well. “For example, we recently had a very hard time finding experi- enced schedulers for our rail traffic,” Mosolf says. “And it is also difficult to fill a job va- cancy in the Transport Damage Claims de- partment because employees with the de- sired skills and qualifications are a rarity and there are hardly any training courses in this area offered on the market. And a solicitor specialised in transport law would be over- qualified for the job.” L`]hjgkh][lk`Yn]lgZ]ja_`l& That is why Mosolf has developed its own targeted strategies for finding new employees and re- taining the existing ones in the long run. “In terms of employee retention, we have been broadening our education and training of- fers, for example in cooperation with the German Foreign Trade and Transport Acad- emy (DAV) in Bremen, a master’s degree course, the ECG Academy1, internal train- ing courses in compliance with BKrFQG2, and the Mosolf Leadership Development programme geared towards junior staff,” Mosolf says, adding, “Furthermore, we strive to fill executive and managerial positions with our own high-potential employees and are emphasising long-term prospects even more strongly than before.” As far as recruiting and attracting new employees in the future, the company in- tends to further increase the public’s aware- ness of Mosolf as an employer, for instance through partnerships with educational or- ganisations, participation in the “Logistics Day” event and job and career fairs as well as through targeted sponsoring activities. At Mosolf, new employees can expect a broad- ly diverse and varied range of duties, and a company in which they are encouraged to quickly assume responsible positions and x(YHQ JUHDWHU HIIRUWV KDYH WR EH PDGH WR PDNH SHRSOH PRUH DZDUH RI WKH DWWUDFWLYHQHVV RI RXU LQGXVWU\l 'U -³UJ 0RVROI ) (&* $FDGHP\ LV D MRLQW HGXFDWLRQDO SURJUDPPH RI WKH %9/ &DP SXV (XURSHDQ %XVLQHVV 6FKRRO LQ 2HVWULFK:LQNHO DQG WKH (&* (XURSHDQ &DU 7UDQVSRUW *URXS RI ,QWHUHVW LQ %UXVVHOV %HOJLXP %.U)4* *HUPDQ Ú3URIHVVLRQDO 'ULYHUØV 4XDOLILFDWLRQ $FWÛ JRY HUQLQJ WKH EDVLF TXDOLILFDWLRQ DQG IXUWKHU WUDLQLQJ IRU GULYHUV RI FHUWDLQ YHKLFOHV IRU URDG KDXODJH RU SDVVHQJHU WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ
