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trailer world issue Two 2011

Issue Two 2011 corporations like Shell or Unilever: The young employees keep their jobs at Ewals and their participation in the Academy pro- gramme lasts a maximum of three years.” D]Yjfaf_^jgeYfqo`]j] The latest development, and for Ewal HR another tool for securing a competitive edge, is an e-learning project: The programme is currently being offered to recently hired lorry drivers, and also to drivers of suppli- ers if they need to visit one of Ewal’s cus- tomers. In the e-learning project, courses are taught online in digital form. Employ- ees can learn from home, from within the company, or from anywhere in the world where he or she can access one of the Ewal e-learning sites. “With this tool, our employees know more precisely what has to be done and what is not required. For example, I have noticed that our trailers have suffered less damage since the drivers have been working with e-learning,” van Rens says. Once a driver completes an online course, he or she must take an exam at Ewals, which, van Rens ex- plains, is “another method for ensuring the employee’s skills and expertise.” In addition, employees in managerial or executive positions at Ewal go through a phase in which they become familiar with every one of the company’s departments. Michaël Verbeek: “This approach prevents the formation of isolated, strong “cash cows” in the company, while Ewals remains behind the competition. Van Rens also conducts training pro- grammes in the area of fleet management – both for the employees that work in other areas at Ewals and rotate through his de- partment as well as for newly designated fleet technicians. “In the past, we didn’t pro- vide any special training to a fleet techni- cian which would teach him or her which part or axle has to be purchased.” He has established a training programme that be- gins in the garage pit, “where you still get your hands dirty.” The programme lasts six months. After that, van Rens gradually lets his new technicians make independent de- cisions regarding the fleet vehicles. Verbeek summarises that Ewals is as cau- tious as it is committed when a new employ- ee joins the company. “We use assessments and other methods to make sure that we se- lect candidates who are the best fit for our company.” Particularly in the first six months, a lot of time and effort is spent in order to ensure that the employee is really suitable, and conversely, that the company meets the expectations and goals of the new hire. Michaël Verbeek stresses that “it is very important to select the right candidates before starting the training and assessment programmes.” (tdj) x)RU PH WKH JUHDWHVW FKDOOHQJH LV NHHSLQJ WKH ULJKW HPSOR\HH LQ WKH ULJKW SRVLWLRQ LQ WKH FRPSDQ\l 0LFKD¨O 9HUEHHN +HDG RI &RUSRUDWH +XPDQ 5HVRXUFHV x2XU HOHDUQLQJSURJUDPPH KDV UHGXFHG WKH DPRXQW RI GDPDJH WR RXU WUDLOHUVl %DUW YDQ 5HQV (ZDOV )OHHW &RQWURO 0DQDJHU =oYdk;Yj_g;Yj] „ 7KH IDPLO\UXQ WUDQVSRUW DQG ORJLVWLFV FRPSDQ\ IRXQGHG LQ LV EDVHG LQ 7HJHOHQ 1HWKHUODQGV DQG KDV PRUH WKDQ EUDQFKHV WKURXJKRXW WKH (8 UHJLRQ DV ZHOO DV LQ $VLD ,Q WKH FRPSDQ\ UHFRUGHG D WRWDO WXUQRYHU RI PLOOLRQ HXURV (ZDOV &DUJR &DUH UHDOLVHG HDUO\ RQ WKDW VSH FLDOLVWV ZHUH LQ GHPDQG LQ WKH WUDQVSRUW EXVL QHVV DQG PDGH D QDPH IRU LWVHOI HVSHFLDOO\ DV D KLJKYROXPH VKLSSLQJ FRPSDQ\ ;geeale]flakj]imaj]\$Zml [YmlagfakYdkgY\nak]\ 3KRWRV7LPGH-RQJLOOXVWUDWLRQ0DQXHOD+HLQV 3RUWUDLW
