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trailer world issue Two 2011

5XEULN Ausgabe Zwei 2011 <]YjJ]Y\]jk$ The present economic situation cannot be compared to the second half of 2008, when vehicle manufacturers and the transport industry were still giddy over the full order books and hurtled headlong into the economic crisis. The next potential economic slump – the fall reports from the leading German economic institutes forecasting a reduced growth rate of only 0.8 percent for 2012 – was overshadowed by contradictory news: currency and national debt crises on one hand, good balance sheet figures for German industry on the other, even if those figures had not yet returned to the pre-crisis level. In addition, I do not believe that we will see an economic trend like the growth years of pre-2008 with the unreal boom year of 2007, at least not in the foreseeable future. It is not an option to just „keep it up“, simply trusting that all will end well. The challenges in the global economy, but also lo- cally, are too complex to take that approach. We have to be prepared for everything, invest in creative people and new, convincing products. And we need to remain more flexible within our structures, so that we are able to adapt quickly to new situations and increasing volatile economic trends, with- out jeopardising our performance and efficiency or compro- mising our innovation and quality standards. Finding quali- fied, skilled employees is but one of the challenges – albeit the one that is the focus of this issue of trailer world. The excellent examples of many of our loyal customers make me confident that we are on the right track together. I hope you enjoy reading the insightful and informative articles in this issue of trailer world. Sincerely yours, Dr. Bert Brauers, Member of Management Board/Sales ]%eYad2ZjYm]jkZ8Zho&\] (GLWRULDO ;gfl]flk (. 7LWOH 6WRU\ :Ylld]^gjlYd]fl Why employers have to step up their efforts to attract potential employees. ,QWHUYLHZ ¿=ehdgq]jeYjc]laf_akn]jqaehgjlYfl&¾ How Melanie Fehrler, head of Human Resources, finds and acquires the right employees for BPW. )+ 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ K]d^%afalaYlan]akj]imaj]\ Dr. Jörg Mosolf strives to attract new employees and retain existing ones using innovative concepts. ). 3RUWUDLW Fglbmkl^af\$ZmlYdkgc]]h At Ewals Cargo Care, the Corporate Fleet and Human Resource managers ponder the best ways to retain staff members. ,QGXVWU\ Dg_akla[aYfkq]kl]j\YqYf\lg\Yq A look at the changes in and requirements of occupation- al profiles in the transport and logistics sector. 5HSRUWDJH L`][gY[`akYdoYqkgfZgYj\ The Duvenbeck logistics company sends its employees to its own academy to keep them motivated and in top form for the job. *, $URXQG WKH :RUOG ;g^^]]hglkYf\klgf]k ljYn]dl`jgm_`l`][gmfljq Africa’s tallest dam is being built in Ethiopia. A mega construction site in the middle of the wilderness. *0 3RUWUDLW KY^]lYfc]jljYfkhgjlk Road capability and safety are the drivers of innovation for Eirik, Udo and Karl Heinz Spitzer. +* 7HFKQRORJ\ L`][ggd[`Yaf`YkYZkgdml]hjagjalq STEF-TFE, the French company, specialising in tempera- ture-controlled logistics, uses state-of-the-art technology to monitor transports. 3UDFWLFH E][`Yfa[kYf\eafml]k In the BPW ECO Disc Challenge, 10 teams competed in the battle for the fastest brake disc change. (, 3DQRUDPD +1 'LDORJXH +1 ,PSULQW
