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trailer world issue Two 2011

Issue Two 2011 to share their practical experience on the topic of loading safety. The training cours- es have long since been renowned for their quality – and drivers from other companies can attend them as well, explains Marcel Gigengack. “If there is available space, peo- ple from outside the company are also wel- come to utilise the training offered by our academy.” The drivers even listen to what a nutri- tionist tells them: After a long day behind the wheel, does it really have to be fish and chips, or would a fresh salad with slices of turkey breast be the better choice? Contrary to what some might believe, such questions are not ridiculed, but rather discussed seri- ously. “What the expert had to say about the health effects of a wrong diet definitely got me thinking,” Mario Ueffing says. Seasoned drivers do not take well to rules, anyway – but many had second thoughts after a train- ing course. “I know of several colleagues who completely changed their ways after listen- ing to the nutritionist and actually lost a few kilos,” recalls scheduler Hans-Peter Bor- chardt. His office job does not require man- datory attendance to the five driver training modules – but attending them is a matter of course for him anyway. “We are a team with the drivers and we should all have the same level of knowledge.” And so drivers and schedulers come together in the seminar rooms at Duvenbeck and learn about social legislation, loading safety and other topics. Fleet manager Bernd Reining is con- vinced that the academy, which was estab- lished in 2009, needs to be further expand- ed. “We are still far from reaching 100 percent and we can continuously improve the detail in many areas of the programme. Whenever possible and useful, ideas and results from the academy‘s activities are directly incorporated into the fleet man- agement, which at Duvenbeck includes, for example, providing all drivers with uniform work clothes aligned with our cor- porate identity and logo.” (os) >an]eg\md]klg]fkmj] [gfkakl]flimYdalq ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH SURYLVLRQV VSHFLILHG E\ WKH *HUPDQ 3URIHV VLRQDO 'ULYHUØV 4XDOLILFDWLRQ $FW %.U)4* WKH 'XYHQEHFN $FDGHP\ RIIHUV ILYH VWDQGDUG PRGXOHV HDFK GHVLJQHG DV D IXOO GD\ WUDLQLQJ VHVVLRQ „ 0RGXOH (FR WUDLQLQJ „ 0RGXOH 6RFLDO OHJLVODWLRQ IRU JRRGV WUDQVSRUW „ 0RGXOH 6DIHW\ WHFKQRORJ\ DQG GULYLQJ VDIHW\ „ 0RGXOH 7KH GULYHUØV FHQWUDO UROH VHUYLFH SURYLGHU LPDJH DPEDVVDGRU SURIHVVLRQDO „ 0RGXOH /RDGLQJ VDIHW\ 7KH UHJXODU FRQWLQXLQJ HGXFDWLRQ SURJUDPPH IRU GULYHUV LV VXSSOH PHQWHG E\ DGGLWLRQDO FRXUVHV LQ HFRQRPLF DQG VDIH GULYLQJ LjYafaf_]fkmj]kkY^]lq2L`]\jan]jkYdkghjY[la[]`golgmk]Y^aj]]plaf_mak`]jÇlgZ]o]dd%hj]hYj]\a^ogjk][ge]klgogjkl& x:H DUH D WHDP ZLWK WKH GULY HUV DQG ZH VKRXOG DOO KDYH WKH VDPH OHYHO RI NQRZOHGJHl +DQV3HWHU %RUFKDUGW 5HSRUWDJH3KRWRV+ROJHU-DFRE\
