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trailer world issue Two 2011

Africa's tallest dam is being built in Ethiopia. A mega contruction site in the middle of the wilderness

Issue Two 2011 $IULFDØV WDOOHVW GDP LV EHLQJ EXLOW LQ (WKLRSLD 7KH PHJD FRQVWUXFWLRQ VLWH ORFDWHG GHHS LQ WKH LQWHULRU RI WKH FRXQWU\ LV EXV\ KRXUV D GD\ ;g^^]]hglkYf\klgf]k ljYn]dl`jgm_`l`][gmfljq Kupply vehicles travel daily along the dusty roads. They have driven for at least six hours – provided the weather is good. This construc- tion site is located deep in Ethiopia’s interior: here, on the Omo River, Africa’s tallest dam, with a 250-metre high retaining wall, is being built. A hydroelectric power plant is scheduled to be put into operation on this site in five to six years, supplying about 1,870 megawatts of power. It is a unique mega-project: literally everything that is used at the construction site has to be brought there – from the coffeepots to the stones. If something is needed, you cannot simply go to the nearest hardware store. Everything comes from Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, which is 470 kilometres away and is internationally con- nected by aeroplane and ship. The lorries transport building materi- 9^ja[YÌkdYj_]kl\YeoaddZYfcl`]GegJan]jafl`ak_gj_]& $URXQG WKH :RUOG
