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trailer world issue Two 2011

Issue Two 2011 als, tools and replacement parts, as well as food, utensils, toiletries and medicine for the workers. There is a small airport for emer- gencies, but otherwise everything is shipped in by road transport. Many vehicles travel aroundtheconstructionsiteitselfaswell.Con- crete is mixed on-site, for example – but the cement for it has to be brought in. Hj]hYjYlagfYf\\]n]dghe]flg^ l`][gfkljm[lagfkal] Three thousand people work at the con- struction site. Keeping the work going con- tinuously and supplying the personnel at the same time requires considerable logistical costs and arrangements. In addition to the time and expense it takes to keep the con- struction site up and running on a daily basis, the preparations were also extensive: the land and area first had to be developed, prepared and made habitable. Amonst other jobs, power generators had to be set up. The project started in 2007. Finally now – four years later – you can slowly start to see the dam getting higher. The Gibe III project is estimated to cost about 2 million dollars. The dam is expected to take eight years to complete. Salini Costruttori, the Italy- based general contractor company commis- sioned for the job, has experience with these types of projects, including the dams it has built in Jordan, Malawi and Zimbabwe. 3KRWRV5DLQHU.UHWVFKPHU*LEH,,,+\GURHOHFWULF3URMHFW,OOXVWUDWLRQ$QQH.DWULQ*URQHZROG L`][gf[j]l]eapaf_hdYfloYkZmadlgfl`]`a_`hdYl]Ym& L`]?aZ]
