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trailer world issue Two 2011

Issue Two 2011 Qgmf_h]ghd]^jgel`]CYjgljaZ]Ydgf_l`]ZYfckg^l`]GegJan]jafKgml`]jf=l`aghaY& struction site from one day to the next. In some cases, the very different mentalities clash with one another,” Kretschmer says. You need strong nerves, but you also have to accept that it is how it is, which also goes for other countries.” At the same time, the technician, who comes from the “Oberber- gisches Land” region in Germany, was very impressed by how professionally the con- struction site was run and how committed everyone involved is. L`]hjgb][lak[gfljgn]jkaYd Ethiopia is the most altitudinous country in Africa, about three times as big as Germa- ny – and it is also one of the poorest nations in the world. The dam will bring in energy. However, the project is also controversial because its construction will have an adverse impact on the environment and the local population, since it will interfere with the natural flow of the Omo River. International human rights and environmental protection organisations fear that the tribal people who live from the river will lose their livelihood. Rainer Kretschmer knows that “the majority of the people who live directly in this region will unfortunately not benefit from the dam in any way, and it remains to be seen wheth- er the indigenous people will be able to live with it today or in the future. While about half of the electricity gener- ated in the power plant will be used in the country itself, the other half will be sold to other countries such as Kenya and the Su- dan. That means genuine prospects for Ethi- opia’s future. And that is what men and ma- chines are working together for here – with full power. (jg) „ 0DPPXW KHDGTXDUWHUHG LQ 'XEDL LV WKH ODUJHVW YHKLFOH PDQXIDFWXUHU DQG FRQWUDFWLQJ FRPSDQ\ LQ WKH 0LG GOH (DVW )RXQGHG LQ 0DPPXWØV SURGXFW UDQJH LQFOXGHV FXVWRPLVHG WUDLOHUV DQG SUHIDEULFDWHG VWHHO FRQ VWUXFWLRQV DQG EXLOGLQJV 7KH FRPSDQ\ HPSOR\V PRUH WKDQ HPSOR\HHV LQ WKH 0LGGOH (DVW $IULFD DQG LQ GLIIHU HQW UHJLRQV RI WKH ,QGLDQ VXEFRQWLQHQW DQG (XURSH ZZZPDPPXWDH „ *RULFD PDQXIDFWXUHV WUDLOHUV DQG WUDQVSRUW HTXLSPHQW IRU LWV FXVWRP HUV LQ WKH 0LGGOH (DVW 1RUWK $IULFD DQG 6RXWK $VLD 7KH HQWHUSULVH ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG LQ DQG LV EDVHG LQ 'XEDL 7KH FRPSDQ\ HPSOR\V PRUH WKDQ VNLOOHG ZRUNHUV DQG WHFKQL FLDQV DQG DW *RULFD SURYLGLQJ H[FHO OHQW FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH LV D WRS SULRULW\ ZZZJRULFDJURXSFRP :HO;mklge]jkafl`]Mfal]\9jYZ=eajYl]k $URXQG WKH :RUOG
