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trailer world issue Two 2011

Issue Two 2011 3RUWUDLW 6DIHW\ SOD\V DQ HVVHQWLDO SDUW LQ WKH FRUSRUDWH SKLORVRSK\ RI WDQNHU PDQXIDFWXUHU 6SLW]HU 7KH PRGHOV GHVLJQHG IRU WUDQVSRUWLQJ KD]DUGRXV JRRGV DUH D SULPH H[DPSOH RI WKDW Lhe right combination of practical handling and optimal safety determines the road capability of a vehicle,” says Udo Spitzer, Man- aging Director of Spitzer Silo-Fahrzeugwerke GmbH. „To achieve best-in-class standards in this area, we utilise the experiences of our cus- tomers and integrate them into the develop- ment of our vehicles.“ However, the technical safety of the vehicles is just one aspect. Today, the certainty that the customer has invested in the right product is a crucial factor in ensur- ing good customer relationships. Spitzer manufactures a wide range of vehi- cles – in close cooperation with its customers and precisely aligned to the respective intend- ed use and the logistics environment. This high degree of customisation requires trust- ing partnerships with strategic suppliers as well as highly flexible production and logis- tics processes. The majority of the Spitzer vehicles are equipped with BPW axles. „As a system supplier, BPW has been our part- ner from the very start,” Spitzer adds. And Spitzer directly integrates BPW’s expertise into its product development, for example in the electronic brake control system ECO Tronic EBS in the new ADR semi-trailer. LjYfkhgjlkg^`YrYj\gmk_gg\k`Yn]lg Z] j]daYZd] Because along with standard vehicles, tankers for hazardous goods are becoming increasingly important. With its SF2754/4ADR, Spitzer offers a semi-trailer that not only meets the German GGVS or- dinance on road transports of hazardous goods, the vehicle also has a range of ad- ditional features that can make this critical transport segment safer. The safe transport of hazardous goods in tankers is very de- manding in terms of vehicle technology. The self-supporting tank rests on an air-sus- pended 3-axle chassis equipped with a disc brake system and an EBS (2S/2M-EBS) as a standard feature. The RSS electronic stabili- sation system is another standard feature of the ADR semi-trailer. Safe transportation of food will continue to play an important role in Spitzer‘s corporate strategy in the future as well. For example, the vehicle manufacturer, which is based in Elztal, is currently developing a new discharge sys- tem that no longer requires an aeration pad. The system only needs air to function and significantly reduces cleaning and drying times. „An innovation such as this results in direct cost advantages for our customers,“ Managing Director Udo Spitzer explains. Hjg\m[l jYf_] ]phYfkagf Spitzer Eu- rovrac achieved a major development mile- stone in tanker technology. The Spitzer Group company, headquartered in Feger- sheim, France, says that it has set new standards in tank technology. Instead of aluminium, the new „Composite Line“ uses a fibre composite material that is manufac- tured from carbon and GRP fibres using a specially developed production technolo- gy. Composite tanks are more lightweight, virtually free of condensation and suitable for a broad spectrum of bulk goods – in- cluding goods that previously could only be transported in stainless steel tanks. The extremely smooth gel coat lining on the inside enables quicker discharge at the un- loading point and makes the subsequent cleaning process easier. More than 90 ve- hicles are already on the road all across Europe and several more will be delivered soon. „This composite-based semi-trailer exemplifies the technology leadership role we have assumed right from the start,” Udo Spitzer elaborates. The innovation is help- ing many customers make their transpor- tation services even more efficient. KY^]lYfc]jljYfkhgjlk 3KRWR6SLW]HU6LOR)DKU]HXJZHUNH L`]f]o9
