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trailer world issue Two 2011

5XEULN Issue Two 2011 on the display there. This unit automatically controls the cooling unit which is powered by a diesel generator. It draws in the air inside the cargo bay, cools it through condensation and then blows it back into the interior under the vehicle’s roofs. The cold air “rinses” the cargo from all sides, slightly warming up in the proc- ess, and is then drawn in again, thus creating a continuous cycle. L`]¿ljYfkhYj]flj]^ja_]jYl]\ ljYad]j¾ Themaincoolingunitatthefrontendofthe trailer and the second unit for the rear cooling chamber, which is located under the roof of the vehicle and is powered by the main cooling unit, have their own diesel tank and thus func- tion completely independently. The trailer can thus be further cooled as specified by the regu- lations, without putting the cargo at risk, when the truck is uncoupled and is parked some- where. If it is parked on the premises of a logis- tics location, the cooling unit can also be con- nected to the local three phase power supply, which means that it runs quieter, and most im- portantly, produces zero emissions, since the dieselgeneratordoesnotneedto run.TheGPS supported management system used in the STEF-TFE department operating the vehicle, remotely tracks and monitors it down to the last detail. The dispatcher has a map of Europe onhisorherscreen,andcanzoominonFrance as a whole or a certain region of the country, and in addition, all of the vehicles monitored bythedispatcher’sdepartmentaredisplayedon the map with coloured icons. Green indicates that the lorry is moving and red indicates that it has stopped. Consequently, the dispatcher has an immediate overview of which vehicles are located where, right from the start. If he or she clicks on one of the icons, a window pops up containingmore detailedinformation,such as the location, load status, type of cargo and bill of lading number, the current temperature, whether the door is open or closed, whether the cooling unit is switched on and what cool- ing level is set, etc. For each bill of lading number, the dispatcher can display the entire “history” of the transport at any time during thetrip,includingtheplaceofloading,stopsen route, and of course the temperature in the in- terior. All ofthis datais saved electronically and stored for at least one year, and therefore can be retrieved even months later in the event of customer complaints or if it is required for in- vestigations by the authorities. Moreover, the customerwaitingforthedeliverycanaccessthe information about the vehicle transporting his or her shipment by entering the code associ- ated with the order on the STEF-TFE Internet portal. In essence, the company has thus cre- ated the “transparent refrigerated trailer”, so to speak. (rkl) 9l`]jege]l]jakmk]\^gjimYdalq[gfljgd\mjaf_l`]`Yf\gn]jg^l`][Yj_g2ÉA^l`][Yj_gakfgl[gd\]fgm_`Yll`akhgafl$al[YffglZ] Zjgm_`l\goflgl`]ja_`ll]eh]jYlmj]\mjaf_l`]ljYfkhgjl$]n]fa^l`][ggdaf_mfalakjmffaf_Yl^mddhgo]j& Af^gjeYlagfYZgmlYddn]`a[d]k[YfZ]]Ykadq Y[[]kk]\afl`][gfljgd[]flj]& Af^g)RU DGGLWLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW WKH 67()7)( *URXS YLVLW ZZZVWHIWIHIU 3KRWRV5DOI.OLQJVLHFN
