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trailer world issue Two 2011

Issue Two 2011 round of flying hammers and furiously ro- tating ratchet wrenches it finally happened: with an amazing time of 2:23.95, the team was the absolute fastest. Heiko Braun, Tobias Ranscht, Ronny Schlosser and Steve Bach- mann were totally thrilled. Ronny Schlosser says: “Everything went really well, we‘re a top team.” He and his colleagues can now start planning for the “company party”. (YHU\RQH ZDV D ZLQQHU Coming in next just 2.7 seconds later, the quartet from the Jens Reupke company, based in Flechtingen, Managing Director Jens Re- upke, Dirk Reupke, Axel Tawara and Den- nis Weis, won the silver medal. And finishing only a mere second behind, third place went to the team comprising Jürgen Klaptor, Vladimir Asmus, Eugen Taller and Bent Jöhnk. The Stegmaier team finally landed in sixth place. Each of the ten teams clearly beat the benchmark time set by BPW and was award- ed a 100-euro event gift certificate from ac- tion event organiser Josche Schweizer as well as a high-quality table football game. The contestants were motivated down to their gloved fingertips. And all of teams plan to be on board whenever the ECO Disc Challenge takes place again. (owi/jg/br) JYfcaf_k „ )LUVW SODFH LQ PLQXWHV )UDQN )DKU]HXJEDX *PE+ 0DUNUDQVW¡GW 6WHYH %DFKPDQQ +HLNR %UDXQ 7RELDV 5DQVFKW 5RQQ\ 6FKORVVHU „ 6HFRQG SODFH LQ PLQXWHV -HQV 5HXSNH H. 7UDQVSRUWH /RJLVWLN )OHFKWLQJHQ 'LUN 5HXSNH -HQV 5HXSNH $[HO 7DZDUD 'HQQLV :HLVV „ 7KLUG SODFH LQ PLQXWHV 3DXO *¹QWKHU 5HQWDO *PE+ 6HHYHWDO 9ODGLPLU $VPXV %HQW -³KQN -¹UJHQ .ODSGRU (XJHQ 7DOOHU „ )RXUWK SODFH LQ PLQXWHV $O /XLEOH 6SHGLWLRQV *PE+ *¹Q]EXUJ 5DOSK )XKUPDQQ 5REHUW 0DLHU 'HQQLV 0UDRYLF (XJHQ 2EJRO] „ )LIWK SODFH LQ PLQXWHV 'DFKVHU *PE+ &R .* 0HPPLQJHQ :DOWHU %UH\ &KULVWLDQ .LHFKOH :HUQHU .UDFKW 0DQIUHG 6WUREHO „ 6L[WK SODFH LQ PLQXWHV 6WHJPDLHU 1XW]IDKU]HXJH *PE+ &UDLOVKHLP -RKDQQ %U¹FN $GDP 0DFLQNLHZLF] /XNDV 0DUWDOHU 0DUN 6WHJPDLHU „ 6HYHQWK SODFH LQ PLQXWHV 7,3 6HUYLFHV *PE+ .³OQ7,3 6HUYLFHV %UDQFK +DPEXUJ 3HWHU +RO] 0DWKLDV .HKGHQ 'DQLHO .¹VJHQ 0DUFHO 5H[LQ „ (LJKWK SODFH LQ PLQXWHV %¹WHI¹KU 6RKQ*PE+ &R .* 'XLVEXUJ (OYLV 'L]GDUHYLF 3LHUUH +HFNW /RWKDU .³QLJ $QGUHDV :LVFKQHZVNL „ 1LQWK SODFH LQ PLQXWHV :HUQHU 5XSORK.*%HFNXP-DQ%HYHUXQJHQ +DQV-¹UJHQ 0HUPHLHU 7RELDV 5XSORK +HOPXW 6FKPLGW „ 7HQWK SODFH LQ PLQXWHV $OIUHG 7DONH *PE+ &R .* +¹UWK 3DWULFN &UHPHU -RVHI )DOWHUEDXP 'HWOHY /DPP -DKQ 5HKVH L`]l]Yek`Y\logYll]ehlk$oal`l`]^Ykl]kllae]^jgel`]logjgmf\kZ]af_[gmfl]\& =Y[`l]YeoYk\]da_`l]\oal`l`]ajLYZd]>gglZYddhjar]& L`]oaffaf_l]Ye^jge>jYfc>Y`jr]m_% ZYm?eZ@$EYjcjYfkl\l& Af^g)RU PRUH ,QIRUPDWLRQ SKRWRV XQG PRYLHV IURP WKH (&2 'LVF &KDOOHQJH JR WR ZZZESZGHFKDOOHQJH 3UDFWLFH
