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trailer world issue Two 2011

IssueTwo 2011 3DQRUDPD :HOJA;@L=L :?D%KALRMF?9MK J Ú:ULWH D VRQJ IRU %3: DQG SUHVHQW LW OLYH DW WKH %3: 6WXGHQWVØ 'D\ %3: RIIHUHG WKLV RSSRUWXQLW\ WR VWXGHQWV IURP WKH 2EHUEHU JLVFKHU .UHLV GLVWULFW VWXGHQWV IURP HLJKW VFKRROV WRRN SDUW LQ WKH FRQWHVW DQG UHDOO\ VKRZHG WKHLU FUHDWLYH VLGH $W WKH WK %3: 6WXGHQWVØ 'D\ WKH\ WRRN WR WKH VWDJH DQG JDYH LPSUHVVLYH SHUIRUPDQFHV $ SHUVRQ MXU\ FRPSULVLQJ PHPEHUV RI WKH %3: PDQDJHPHQW WKH &RORJQH &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH DQG ,QGXVWU\ WKH *HUPDQ )HGHUDO (PSOR\PHQW $JHQF\ DQG WKH 0D\RU RI :LHKO VHOHFWHG WKH EHVW HQWU\ FKRRVLQJ WKH VRQJ Ú, ORYH 5RFNØQØ5ROOÛ E\ WKH %HUXIVYRUEHUHLWHQGH 6FKXOH I¹U 7HFKQLN 9RFDWLRQDO 3UH SDUDWRU\ 6FKRRO IRU (QJLQHHULQJ LQ WKH WRZQ RI :LHKO%LHOVWHLQ 7KH SUL]H HXURV IRU WKH ZLQQHU DQG DQ LQWHUQVKLS SRVLWLRQ IRU WKH VFKRRO 3UHVHQWHUV $QQD 0DULD 6LPRQ DQG 1LFRODV .ORFNRZ ERWK LQWHUQV DW %3: KRVWHG WKH SURJUDPPH 7KH JXHVWV ZHUH WKULOOHG E\ WKH FUHDWLYH HYHQW DQG LQ WKH HQG HYHU\RQH ZDV D ZLQQHU DW WKLV %3: 6WXGHQWVØ 'D\ DQQLYHUVDU\ FHOHEUDWLRQ DOO RI WKH VFKRROV WRRN KRPH D FDVK SUL]H $ VRQJ IRU %3: J It is the highlight of the truck race season: The International ADAC Truck Grand Prix at the Nürburgring motorsport complex in the Eifel region of Germany. On 26 July, the event drew in more than 212,000 fans. After a break of six years, BPW was back this year with a stand in the paddock, where truck fans can get closer to the vehicles than at any other mo- tor sport event. The Grand Prix is also host to a trade fair and a truck symposium which attracts well- known people from the industry. A show programme between the races and evening musical enter- tainment featuring Tom Astor and the band Revolverheld rounded up the experience for the fans. The three-day event was an ex- perience for the BPW employees who attended as well. “It was a great event and the BPW stand was very successful. Many deci- sion-makers from the transport and logistics sector visited us,” says Ralf Merkelbach, head of BPW End-Customer Care. “We’ll definitely be back next year.” 3KRWRV%3: Ljm[c?jYf\Hjap2Mh[dgk]Yf\ h]jkgfYdoal`ljm[ckYf\ljm[c]jk L`]fmeZ]jg^=;G
