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trailer world issue Two 2011

IssueTwo 2011 3DQRUDPD 9oYj\]\YkZ]klZjYf\ J )RU WKH ILIWK WLPH LQ D URZ %3: ZRQ WKH Ú%HVW %UDQGVÛ LPDJH DZDUG LQ WKH Ú7UDLOHU $[OHÛ FDWHJRU\ 5HDGHUV RI WKH )HUQIDKUHU ODVWDXWR RPQLEXV DQG WUDQV DNWXHOO FRPPHUFLDO YHKLFOH WUDGH MRXUQDOV YRWHG IRU WKHLU IDYRXULWH EUDQGV LQ FDWHJRULHV 'U %HUW %UDXHUV ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU6DOHV DW %3: DFFHSWHG WKH DZDUG DW WKH FHUHPRQ\ LQ 6WXWWJDUW 7KH DZDUG GLVWLQ JXLVKHV WKH SUL]H ZLQQHUØV GHJUHH RI UHFRJQL WLRQ H[FHOOHQW SURGXFW SROLF\ DQG SURIHVVLRQDO PDQDJHPHQW RI WKH EUDQG @a\\]f[`Yehagf J +RZ YDOXDEOH LV D EUDQG" +RZ LPSRUWDQW LV LW WR WKH *HUPDQ ZRUOG OHDGHUV LQ WKH FDSLWDO JRRGV VHFWRU DQG ZKDW LPSDFW GR EUDQGV KDYH RQ WKH VXFFHVV RI D FRPSDQ\" 7KDW LV WKH VXEMHFW RI WKH VWXG\ WLWOHG Ú7KH %UDQGV RI WKH *HUPDQ +LGGHQ &KDPSLRQV Û FRQGXFWHG E\ WKH %LHVDOVNL &RPSDQ\ FRQVXOWLQJ ILUP %3: %HUJLVFKH $FKVHQ .* UDQNHG WK ZLWK D ÚKLGGHQ FKDPSLRQ LQGH[Ú RI N<9[Ymlagmkdqghlaeakla[ J 7KH $VVRFLDWLRQ RI WKH $XWRPRWLYH ,QGXVWU\ 9'$ ORRNV LQWR KLV HFRQRPLF EDURPHWHU LQ D SRVLWLYH GLUHFWLRQ WRZDUGV ,I (XURSH×V UHDO HFRQRP\ FRQWLQXHV WR SURYH WR EH VWDEOH D GHVHUWHG XVHG FRPPHUFLDO YHKLFOH PDUNHW FRQWLQXHV WR D KLJK GHPDQG IRU QHZ YHKLFOHV $OVR WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDO PDUNHWV DUH FDWFKLQJ XS +RZHYHU WKH 86 PDUNHW GLG QRW UHDFK DJDLQ WKH SUHFULVLV OHYHO DQG WKH UHJLVWUDWLRQ LQ &KLQD VWDJQDWHG DIWHU D VWURQJ JURZWK DW D KLJK VWDQGDUG J Chassis specialist BPW supplied the Maschinenfabrik Meyer-Lohne engineering works, based in Lower Saxony, with com- plete, pre-assembled chassis, including auxil- iary frames, for four liquid manure tankers. The chassis were individually tailored to the specific requirements of the company’s delivery vehicles. “BPWprovideduswithexactlywhatweneeded,” affirmed Hubert Meyer, General Manager of Meyer-Lohne. Equipped with approximately 200 manufactured vehicles, the company ex- pects a successful business year in 2011. =n]jql`af_^jgeYkaf_d]kgmj[] +DQGRYHU RI WKH 0H\HU/RKQH OLTXLG PDQXUH WDQNHU WR WKH ILUVW FXVWRPHU WKH 2WWHQ VXEFRQWUDFWLQJ FRPSDQ\ IURP 6FKZDUPH J The BPW team from Wiehl know steep as- cents very well, since they are a common fea- ture in their own home area. But during the 10-kilometre run for the transport and lo- gistics industry in Allgäu, the BPM team re- ally worked up a sweat. During the first three kilometres alone, the runners had to master a 170-meter difference in elevation – straight uphill, naturally. Together with about 100 oth- er participants, they tackled the athletic chal- lenge on 17 September. The run was organised by the trans aktuell trade journal (published by the ETM publishing house in Stuttgart) and logistics provider ANSORGE. The venue for the event was the town of Biessenhofen, in the Eastern Allgäu region of Bavaria. The BPW running team was on the starting line for the first time. Heinrich Picker, from Industrial En- gineering, was the first BPW representative to reach the finish line, coming in with an excel- lent time of 49:04 minutes – and was quickly followed by his teammates. L]fegmflYafgmkcadge]lj]k &KDOOHQJLQJ UDFH WKURXJK WKH $OOJ¡X UHJLRQ 7KH %3: WHDP SDUWLFLSDWHG IRU WKH ILUVW WLPH DQG IDUHG YHU\ ZHOO
